Venerable Kassapa will be returning from Thailand on 31st October 2024. He will start teaching on Monday 4th July 2024 from 7pm to 8 pm. All are welcome.
Venerable Sudassi is away to visit the Sri Lankan community in Sydney from June 15 to June 25 away.
It is our pleasure to welcome Venerable Patitpada to Wat Dhammmayanaram. He will be staying for the Vassa 2024.
We are pleased to have Venerable Nivato at Wat Dhammayanaram for many weeks since April 2024. He participated in the Khmer New Year and the Vesak Celebration on May 26, 2024.
It is our pleasure to announce that Venerable Sudassi is now back at Wat Dhammayanaram. He arrived from Sri Lanka on 28 December 2023. He will be staying until end of March.
Venerable Patipada was kind enough to come to stay at Wat Dhammayanaram for the first time from 8 December to 28 December 2023, which helped us to keep the Temple open.
Bhante Dhammananda left Wat Dhammayanaram on 3 December 2023 to go to Thailand and Cambodia to teach meditation retreats. Anyone interested in attending these retreats are welcome. For further information please contact us on
Venerable Sukhakamo left Wat Dhammayanaram on 19 November 2023 to return to Cambodia.
Currently we have 3 monks staying at Wat Dhammayanaram: Ajahn Kassapa, Venerable Sukhakamo, and Venerable Sorato.
We are happy to announce that Venerable Sukhakamo will be returning from Cambodia on to stay for the duration of the Rains Retreat (Vassa) in 2025.
Venerable Kassapa
We are very happy to announce that Venerable Kassapa will be coming back to the Temple on Sunday 24 April 2022 from his Dutong meditation practice in the Southern part of WA for four months.
Venerable Sudassi
We were delighted to welcome Venerable Sudassi to our Temple on 10 March 2022.
Thank you all for coming to offer Dana to Venerable Sudassi. We now have a lunch Dana Roster. We are looking for people who would like to join the Roster. We do not have regular people for Tuesdays and Fridays yet. For further information please contact Tholla on or mobile 0408 094 078
Venerable Sunyo
We are delighted to announce that Venerable Sunyo from Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine will be coming to stay at WAT DHAMMAYANARAM from Tuesday 27 April 2021 to 11 May 2021.
Attending the Buddha's Birthday on 17 April 2021 at the Supreme Court Garden, PERTH
Ven. Sukhakamo, Mrs. Ngec Y Beamish and Mrs. Tholla Chan had the pleasure of attending the Opening Ceremony of the Buddha’s Birthday and Multicultural Festival on 17 April 2021 at the Supreme Court Garden which is a beautiful location in the City of Perth.
The Event was organised by Buddha's Light International Association of Western Australia Inc. (BLIAWA). The Theme this year is “Connecting Hearts”.
When we arrived we were invited to the VIP corner where refreshment was served.
Ajahn Brahm, Our Spiritual Director also attended the Event. Ajahn Brahm was invited to say a prayer on the stage, along with a few other leaders from the Hindu, Christian,Muslim faiths.
Our friends from the BCWA were also in attendance:
Mr. Boon Tan, President of the Buddhist Council of Western Australia (BCWA)
Marlene Robins and John Waite from Hayagriva Buddhist Centre.
Good News: The Monastery has now re-opened according to the new directives from the government.
Daily Dana is open from 10am to 1:00pm
Venerable Sukkhakamo is our resident monk at the moment.
Meditation on mondays starts from 7pm to 8pm
The Seniors Group meets from 10 am to 2pm on Mondays.
CoronaVirus Measures at Dhammayanaram Monastery
Ajahn Bhikkhu Brahmavamso is being honoured for helping empower women in his faith, including the ordination of the first Buddhist nuns — known as Bhikkhunis — in Australia in 2009.
He has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for services to Buddhism and gender equality.
"There were four very fine Australian women who wanted to become Bhikkhunis and so I did the ordination for them."
As a result, he was expelled from Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism to which he had belonged.
He said it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
GUESTS : May 19, 2019
It was our pleasure to welcome Ajahn Khemavaro and Ajahn Chiyaporn to Wat Dhammayanaram.
They stayed at the monastery until 2 June 2019.
It was really good to have five monks altogether for a change. Many people came to offer dana to the monks during their visit.
Ajahn Khemavaro conducted a Retreat on 1 June 2019 at the monastery, which was very popular and well attended. May 19, 2019
Alms round in the Dana Hall
Monks chanting Blessings.
Members of the Seniors Group participating on the alms round.
Monks taking dana in the Dining Room.
Getting the seating in the Vihara ready for the Meditation conducted by Ajahn Khemavaro on Monday on 27 May 2019.
Ajahn Khemavaro giving a Dhamma talk and guided meditation.
Monk expelled over female ordination
Ajahn Bhikkhu Brahmavamso is being honoured for helping empower women in his faith, including the ordination of the first Buddhist nuns — known as Bhikkhunis — in Australia in 2009.
He has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for services to Buddhism and gender equality.
"There were four very fine Australian women who wanted to become Bhikkhunis and so I did the ordination for them."
As a result, he was expelled from Thai Forest Tradition of Buddhism to which he had belonged.
He said it was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
On Saturday 16 March 2019 there was a meditation session with Venerable Bhikkhu Thích Chân Pháp Khê from 3:00pm to 6:30 pm.
It was our pleasure to welcome Bhikkhu Thích Chân Pháp Khê to stay at our monastery for ten days. He gave us a glimpse of the practice at the Plum Village in France, last Monday evening.
He had kindly granted our request for short Retreat before he left Perth, which was well attended.
A donation of 2 raised garden beds by the Armadale Bunnings Warehouse for the Seniors Group
We thank the Armadale Bunnings Warehouse for a donation of 2 large raised garden beds for our Seniors Group which meets on Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm. We really appreciated the kind gesture of Bunnings for their support of our Seniors Group. “Santa Claus” did finally turn up.
A Generous Donation of a brand new door for our Vihara.
Today a beautiful solid wooden door was installed to replace the old garage door which has been there since 2007. It was donated by an Indonesian family.
May they enjoy the Blessings of good health, happiness and prosperity.
Their spirit of generosity is most appreciated by the community of Wat Dhammayanaram.
Open day showcases Buddhist culture
By Toby Hussey March 30, 2017 Courtesy of Examiner Newspapers
The Cambodian Buddhist Society of Western Australia had an open day for its Kelmscott monastery on Tuesday and said it was hoping to get more support and involvement from the community.
With the monastery located in the Kelmscott hills away from the CBD Buddhist Council of WA committee member Tholla Chan said the Perth hills were a good location for it.
“According to Buddhism the monastery should be up in the hillside because it’s secluded away from the noise of the world,” she said.
“People like it, they come here, they feel refreshed and energised.”
The monastery offered meditation sessions free of charge and Ms Chan said they only asked for donations to keep the monks supported.
Buddhists monks were required to wake at four o’clock every morning and finish breakfast and lunch before 12pm.
They were not permitted to eat for the rest of the day nor were they allowed to handle money or cook food.
This meant all support was to be provided by volunteers to the monastery.
Ms Chan said she wanted more people to come and learn about Buddhist culture.
“We’re open to everybody,” she said.
“We have Malaysian, Chinese (who) come here.”
She said there were many Australians who visited the monastery to learn about the culture or to participate in meditation but she wanted to improve community involvement further.
“We want to (operate) during the week, during the day, later on,” she said.
“So people can come – women’s groups, men’s groups, people from the community.”
Gordon Hunter lost his house in the 2011 Roleystone-Kelmscott bushfires and said the monastery had been a big support for some people impacted by it.
“They’ve done a lot of work for the people around here, I really appreciate it,” he said.
The monastery had access to a monk who spoke English for people who only spoke one language.
It was at 56 Scott Road, Kelmscott.
For more information call Ms Chan on 0408 094 078 or email